Monday, May 3, 2010

Last conversation class tonight ..

Kinda sad.  Tonight was my last 'conversation club' class, and a bunch of students who had missed the last couple of sessions while prepping for the iTOEFL showed up.  I know this will shock everyone, but I made some snacks and sneaked them into the room and we just sat around a table and talked.  Actually, it bore out something I had suspected all along ... that speaking/conversation practice classes do best when things are casual, and, well, cafe-like.  One student had some really wonderful, but hard questions about the American revolution and the Civil War ... another put on a YouTube clip of a woman speaking in 21 accents - very funny - and another, a rather salty, but hysterical cartoon clip of an Italian man on a vacation, and the trouble his English pronunciation caused ... things about sheets on the bed, and peas, etc.  (I'll go no further), but everyone sat around and talked with each other ... and we ran over by half and hour.  I think we got all the crumbs off the floor.  This was just a really great experience.  Would that they will more often be like this than not, and for all of us!

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