Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday 03-30-10 class postscripts

I just wanted to add one caveat to the recommendation that interesting prompts be used. My children, over the course of their school years, were given some prompts which I consider "too personal" or "too revealing" to be used for a composition that will be subject to peer review. The appropriateness of the topic for sharing needs to be considered as well as how interesting the prompt will be.

1 comment:

  1. That is a very good point, Bobby. I'm glad you made that point. I would not want people editing my life story. It might feel that any corrections would be a criticism of what I have experienced.

    When I think of interesting prompts, I think of this time in 9th grade when I had to write a biography about Jackie Chan. He has had a crazy life! In that scenario, our teacher gave us the choice to write over any person we could find a written biography over but she also gave some suggestions for students that weren't so great at choosing. I think that is what I would label an interesting prompt. It shares the life story of an individual not in the class, gives the students some freedom to choose, and gives the editors an interesting life story to read.


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