Thursday, April 29, 2010

A “nuts and bolts” article for a technology-based ESL writing course

Click on the title for a “quick read” which provides a starting point for effectively implementing the use of computers in the ESL writing classroom. It’s short, to the point and includes an outline of activities including preparing students to use computers, having them conduct interviews via e-mail, monitoring progress, peer editing, using student papers projected on the screen to teach various compositional points. Native speakers are paired with ESL students. The study finds that the students writing improved, with the greatest improvement in those who corresponded regularly with their partners. Electronic copies of all correspondence were forwarded to the instructor (that could be burdensome) who was able to track their progress.

Cassidy, J. A. (1996). Computer-assisted language arts instruction for the ESL learner. The English Journal, 85(8), 55-57.

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